16 September 2011

From the Director

It’s just me again, but this time I’m writing to you as the Director of The 5x5 Nonprofit Organization of Literature & Arts Advocates.  No, it isn’t finalized yet, but the forms, and the check, have been sent in to the IRS.  This is a very exciting time for us.  That check was a big chunk of change, and we couldn’t have done it without our donors and readers.

What it mean for you:  All your donations will soon be tax deductable, and your previous donations will become tax deductable retroactively.  If you need that receipt, let us know.  It also means that all you have to do to help an organization committed to promoting artistic work from teenagers and beyond is buy a subscription and enjoy.  I guess that part was already true.

What it means for us: We can apply for grants that were previously unavailable to us.  We can also get discounted postage rates for mailing the magazine out.  Basically, it gives us more power to:

  • Encourage and assist children, teenagers, and adults to read and write literature;
  • Financially and instructively assist students interested in literature and the arts with improving their education;
  • Help writers and artists distribute their work to the public.

Those words come from our “Purpose” in our official documents.  That’s what we’re all about.  Nothing more; nothing less.  We’ve gotten to this point with your help, and we’ll only continue to grow with your help.  This is a community organization, not a corporation.  Ok, technically some forms refer to us as a corporation.  Semantics.  But we’re here to work as a group, helping each other out.  And we’re glad you’re here too.

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